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Parish Council


The council

The Parish Council is an elected tier of local government and is a legal entity in its own right. We raise and spend money for the benefit of the local community through a precept, and are made up of 13 councillors, serving the parish


Parish Council Notice.

Sadly our new clerk Steve Blackman-Cross has resigned for personal reasons.

It takes at least three months to advertise for and appoint a new clerk. We will work with the Suffolk Association of Local Councils to find a locum clerk, however, that may not be forthcoming.

In the interim if there are any important issues you need to raise with the council you can e.mail me and we may be able to help dwarnefresspc@gmail.com  Residents may of course attend council meetings and can meet us at the Produce Market.

The Finance meeting on the 2nd July has been rescheduled to 9th July as an extraordinary meeting. The agenda will be available from 4th July.

Di Warne, chair of Fressingfield Parish Council


Click here to see a list of  councillors

Click here for the council’s policies

The chair

Each year at the annual meeting of the parish council (not to be confused with the Annual Parish Meeting) one of the 13 councillors is elected Chair. The Chair is responsible for chairing meetings, managing debate. The Chair has no greater power than the rest of the councillor, except for the ability to have a casting vote. All decisions are taken at meetings and made by a majority (although not necessarily a unanimous one).

The clerk

The clerk is the employee and proper officer of the council, providing legal advice, administrative support and is the key contact point between the public and the council.

Council meetings. 

The schedule of meetings for the year until May 2024 can seen by clicking here

Click here to view minutes and agendas and other documents presented at meetings

The Next Meeting is...

Council meetings are open to the public, and county and district councillors are invited to attend to provide reports. Fressingfield Parish Council has a time set aside for public comment prior to the commencement of business. Meetings are run by following government legislation and using the council’s standing orders and financial regulations. 

An agenda will be posted publicly on notice boards around the village at least three full days before the meeting, and councillors are summoned to these meetings. Attendance is not voluntary and apologies are to be sent in advance wherever possible.