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NDP Review

The review begins in September 2024 and will be completed during 2025. It will be carried out by a steering group comprising interested residents and parish councillors. It will be supported by the Planning Consultant  Andrea Long. There will be Terms of Reference for the Steering Group. The composition of the steering group will be published when established. Anyone interested in being involved on the main steering group or in a particular interest group should let the chair, Di Warne or vice chair, Rachael Troughton, know . The date and venue for the first meeting of the Steering Group will be confirmed by the end of July.

The Parish Council is the Qualifying Body for the NDP and as such determines when and how it reviews its NDP. The review will be subject to public consultation and therefore comments will be welcome at the appropriate time. 

A timetable will be published once the steering group has agreed how they will respond to the Scoping Report. This report has looked at the NDP and noted where the NDP is aligned or not with national and local legislation and plans. It is important that the NDP is not out of date and that it is fit for purpose. The Scoping Report and NDP are available here.

view & download documents related to the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Review

The first Steering Group Meeting will be on 10th September 7pm at The Old Chapel Cratfield Road. This is not a public meeting but a working group of the Parish Council. Minutes will be posted after the meeting.

The funding for the review activities is provided through specific government grants, which we have obtained. 

Di Warne, Chair of Fressingfield Parish Council.