Each year at the annual meeting of the parish council (not to be confused with the Annual Parish Meeting) one of the councillors is elected Chair.
The current Chair of the council is Di Warne.
The current vice-Chair of the council is Rachael Troughton.
Councillor | Contact |
Stuart Balmer | sbalmer.fresspc@gmail.com |
Hilary Day | hday.fresspc@gmail.com |
Cindy Engel | cengel.fresspc@gmail.com |
Tom Lindsay | tlindsay.fresspc@gmail.com |
Nick Stolls | nstolls.fresspc@gmail.com |
Rachael Troughton | rtroughton.fresspc@gmail.com |
Di Warne | dwarne.fresspc@gmail.com |
Sharon Wilson | swilson.fresspc@gmail.com |
there is currently a vacancy for the Clerk to the Council - email dwarne.fresspc@gmail.com for details:
Clerk | Address | Phone | |
Calvin Edwards |
Lynton, New St, Fressingfield, EYE, Suffolk IP21 5PG | 07716 658177 | clerk@fressingfield-pc.gov.uk |
Cathy Tooley is the village caretaker, ensuring that the village is kept clean and tidy. You may see her walking through the village with her tools and hi vis, maintaining the pavements, verges and green spaces, and flagging up any issues that she may spot while out and about.
Councillor | Phone | |
Lavinia Hadingham | 01986 782313 | lavinia.hadingham@midsuffolk.gov.uk |
Councillor | Phone | |
Henry Lloyd | 07511 867416 | henry.lloyd@suffolk.gov.uk |
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