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Plans, Actions and Working Groups

The council always has a number of plans it is working to and also has working groups that help design or act on the ideas in the plans. 

Working groups are established by the parish council and include councillors and members of the public. Their purpose is to discuss a particular issue, explore options, gather facts and develop plans which are then reported back to the parish council with recommendations for any decision making. Such groups last for a defined time, meetings are not open to the public. However, the work they do will frequently result in public consultation. The working group will have terms of reference, provided by the parish council, which all members must adhere to.

Currently, the Neighbourhood Development Plan is being reviewed by a working group. There is a specific NDP Review Tab which has the information relating to this group. 

Working groups are sometimes used by the parish council to put a plan into action. The groups report on progress to the full parish council or to make suggestions to get things done. It is only the council that can actually spend money.

Things such as environmental and economic issues,  as well as heritage and housing are  important parts of the plan. Fressingfield’s plan has been ‘made’ – it is accepted by the district council. This means that it is taken into account when the district council makes decisions on planning applications.

The plan lasts until 2036! However it will be reviewed regularly to make sure it continues to be relevant to the parish.

The village improvement plan contains all those ideas that parishioners and the parish council have suggested to make improvements to the life of people living in Fressingfield. It is the plan that is at the heart of what the parish council does.

Working groups are sometimes used by the parish council to put a plan into action. The groups report on progress to the full parish council or to make suggestions to get things done. It is only the council that can actually spend money.

You can click on any of these links to find out the latest news about these plans or the working groups:-

Tree and Hedgerow Working Group