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Fressingfield Local History and Archive Group

Although it is a village with a long history, the Fressingfield Local History and Archive Group (FLHAG) was formed around 18 years ago to create an archive of photographs, documents, maps, recollections and memorabilia which would provide a learning resource for everybody interested in the village, its growth and population. It is a very successful and lively Group and the membership currently is about 40 and growing. The Group usually meets on the fourth Tuesday each month at the Methodist Chapel in New Street. Meetings start at 7-30 and end around 9-30pm.   New members are always welcome. From 2024 the annual subscription will be £20 which reflects the increased cost of speakers. although an extra charge is made occasionally when we organise visits or special events. Guests are charged £5.00 

We are grateful to the Parish Council for their financial support and to the Methodist Church for allowing us to use the Church School room where the Archive is stored .

We organise a varied programme of events and meetings. We engage speakers to talk about local or Suffolk County historical subjects but these are interspersed with more homespun events or visits to Country Houses etc.  

One of the most successful past events we organised was in 2009, the celebrations to commemorate the 500th  anniversary of the Guild Hall, now occupied by the famous Fox and Goose Restaurant. Dozens of villagers dressed up in Tudor Costumes to engage in a series of activities and events including a market, a play, craft fair, dancing on the green, lectures, Tudor music and sports The program for 2024 is as varied and interesting as ever.

 FLHAG has a wonderful collection of documents and photographs, often donated by families and friends with strong connections to Fressingfield. We should like to share some of these from our vast collection  via this website. The photos have been grouped into themes. This link will take you to the galleries page.


We have produced a series of books about the history of Fressingfield and other related subjects. We also have reference books .

Looking Back at Fressingfield Village life before 1750 and from 1851 to 1951
A Century of a Suffolk Village Covering 1750 to 1851
Fifty Years of Fressingfield 1952 - 2002
The Age of Horses    Photographs and recollections from the past
We Wanted for Nothing   Recording changes seen by the older inhabitants
Life Was Hard but We Were Happy  Notes and photographs of Dorothy Fenn b.1911. 

The evolution of a village .The changes from the beginnings of the village to the present day.

Copies are available by contacting Matthew, details below. These are subject to a small charge to cover printing and P & P.

The programme for 2024 is as varied and interesting as ever


FLHAG has a wonderful collection of documents and photographs, often donated by families and friends with strong connections to Fressingfield. We should like to share some of them with you on a regular basis via this website.Many of the photos have been grouped into themes.

The Secretary is Norman Ansell 01379 586811 or email ansellnorman@hotmail.com

Our archivist is Matthew Newman 07490 705809 or email matnewman80@gmail.com